International Marketing - lezione 1 (2006/2007)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Paola Signori
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
2nd semester dal Feb 19, 2007 al May 26, 2007.

To show the organization of the course that includes this module, follow this link * Course organization

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The purpose of the module is to provide the key drivers to define adequate competitive actions for the international markets and to identify the main sales opportunities in new markets, with the goal of reaching a more efficient international marketing management.
Nowadays no markets can consider themselves protected from the international competition; this aspect modifies the organization strategies, which are oriented to reach new opportunities on the global scale and, consequently, to the evaluation of a higher and higher foreign countries entering the market.
Under this view, there will be analyzed the various steps which defines the international strategies.
International marketing case studies will be analyzed and discussed during the module.


There will be 2 Italian lecturers and 1 foreign professor (in English).
Coordinator: Prof. Paola Signori

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
BERTOLI G.-VALDANI E. Mercati Internazionali e marketing EGEA 2003 8823820227 (tutto)

Assessment methods and criteria

The module will be undertaken by a foreign professor in English. Supervisor: Prof. Paola Signori
The examination consists of an oral exam.

Teaching aids

