Maria Vittoria Levati

Vittoria,  January 12, 2014
Full Professor
Academic sector
ECON-01/A - Economics
Research sector (ERC-2024)
SH1_9 - Behavioural economics; experimental economics; neuro-economics

SH1_8 - Econometrics, game theory, decision theory

SH1_10 - Microeconomics, industrial organisation, applied microeconomics

Research sector (ERC)
SH1_7 - Behavioural economics; experimental economics; neuro-economics

SH1_8 - Microeconomics; game theory

Polo Santa Marta,  Floor 1,  Room 1.74
045 802 8640
vittoria|levati*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

After obtaining her PhD in Economics at the University of York, Maria Vittoria Levati joined the Strategic Interaction Group at the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Jena, Germany, where she was first research associate and then research group leader/W2 professor (holder of one of the Minerva positions offered by the Max Planck Society to support excellent female scientists). In September 2011 she moved to the Department of Economics at the University of Verona as an Associate Professor and became Full Professor in January 2015.
Her research combines tools and techniques from microeconomic theory, game theory, behavioral economics and experimental economics to address fundamental questions about the behavior of economic agents and how such behavior should be modelled by economists. She publishes her work in top field journals, such as Experimental Economics, and in high-impact general interest journals, such as the Journal of Public Economics and the European Economic Review.



Modules running in the period selected: 41.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Ph.D. in Economics and Finance Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2025/2026)   4    2.5 
Ph.D. in Economics and Finance Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2024/2025)   4    2.5 
Bachelors' degree in Business Administration and Management Microeconomics (2024/2025)   9  eLearning
Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis Microeconomics (advanced) (2024/2025)   12  eLearning PART II
Ph.D. in Economics and Finance Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2023/2024)   4  eLearning 2.5 
Bachelors' degree in Business Administration and Management Microeconomics (2023/2024)   9  eLearning
Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis Microeconomics (advanced) (2023/2024)   12  eLearning PART II
Ph.D. in Economics and Finance Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2022/2023)   5  eLearning 2.5 
Bachelors' degree in Business Administration and Management Microeconomics (2022/2023)   9  eLearning
Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis Microeconomics (advanced) (2022/2023)   12  eLearning PART II
PhD in Economics and Management Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2020/2021)   5  eLearning 2.5 
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona) Microeconomics (2020/2021)   9  eLearning
Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis Microeconomics (advanced) (2020/2021)   12  eLearning PART II
PhD in Economics and Management Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2019/2020)   5  eLearning 1.5 
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona) Microeconomics (2019/2020)   9  eLearning 7.5 
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2019/2020)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona) Microeconomics (2018/2019)   9  eLearning
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2018/2019)   9  eLearning
PhD in Economics and Management Lezioni Dottorandi (2017/2018)   10   
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona) Microeconomics (2017/2018)   9  eLearning
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2017/2018)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona) Microeconomics (2016/2017)   9  eLearning (lezione)
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2016/2017)   9  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona) Microeconomics (2015/2016)   9    (lezione)
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2015/2016)   9   
Master’s degree in Economics Applied industrial economics (2014/2015)   9    (lezione 1)
Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Vicenza) Microeconomics (2014/2015)   9    (lezione)
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2014/2015)   9    (lezione 2)
Master’s degree in Economics Applied industrial economics (2013/2014)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Vicenza) Microeconomics (2013/2014)   9    (lezione)
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2013/2014)   9   
Master’s degree in Economics Applied industrial economics (2012/2013)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Vicenza) Microeconomics (2012/2013)   9    (lezione)
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2012/2013)   9   
Master’s degree in Economics Applied industrial economics (2011/2012)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Vicenza) Microeconomics (2011/2012)   9    (lezione)
Master’s degree in Economics Microeconomics (advanced) (2011/2012)   9   

Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
JEL C91 - Laboratory, Individual Behavior Design and analysis of laboratory experiments to study heterogeneity of individual behaviors, both in conditions of certainty and uncertainty and in cases involving risk. These experiments help to develop models with greater explanatory and forecasting power compared to those formulated by traditional economic theory. Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Design of Experiments
JEL C92 - Laboratory, Group Behavior Analysis and design of laboratory experiments to study the behavior of individuals in contexts of strategic interaction to; (i) identify the role of social preferences in the presence of economic incentives, (ii) study individuals attitude towards cooperation in the contexts of a so-called "social dilemma" (such as the private provision of public goods) and (iii) proposing mechanisms to solve the dilemma. Experimental analysis of the role of communication in the context of strategic interaction and study of the role of the social influence of agents within networks. Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Design of Experiments
JEL D91 - Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making Cover studies about the role of emotional, psychological, social or cognitive factors on individual choices, also using laboratory experiments. Also studies the consequences of traumatic events on economic behavior (in particular the attitude towards risk) both in the short and in the long term; deception and dishonest behavior; self-control problems. Study of the economic policy impacts of psychological and behavioral aspects in the context of consumption choices, pension savings and investment in education Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Micro-Based Behavioral Economics
JEL I24 - Education and Inequality Design and analysis of interventions inspired by behavioral economics aimed at reducing gender disparities and socio-economic inequalities associated with educational choices in technical and scientific subjects. Welfare and Collective Choice
Education and Research Insititutions
Title Starting date
Promuovere l'istruzione STEM attraverso un approcio di economia comportamentale 11/1/17
The role of behavioral strategies in effectively promoting STEM education 10/1/17
Assegno: Un approccio sperimentale a temi di political economy 11/1/13
