Macroeconomics, International Economics and Development

The Macroeconomics, International Economics and Development area examines the following topics: the analysis of economic cycles, unemployment, demographic economic dynamics, the international monetary system, the phenomenon of monetary illusion, and the long-term evolution of the economic structure. Particular attention is given to the institutional, organisational and cultural impacts - determined by the phenomenon of innovation and "creative destruction" - and to the internationalisation of the economy and politics. From the methodological point of view, are used models of endogenous growth, overlapping generations and with heterogeneous agents. From an empirical point of view, are applied both methodologies related to time series model and panel data model, and non-parametric and semi-parametric methods.
Alessia Campolmi
Associate Professor
Giam Pietro Cipriani
Full Professor
Riccardo Fiorentini
Associate Professor
Tamara Fioroni
Associate Professor
Silvana Malle
Emeritus Professor
Gianpaolo Mariutti
Assistant Professor
Eleonora Matteazzi
Temporary Assistant Professor
Martina Menon
Associate Professor
Cristina Elisa Orso
Research Assistants
Federico Perali
Full Professor
Roberto Ricciuti
Associate Professor
Nicola Sartor
Professore onorario
Alessandro Sommacal
Full Professor
Angelo Zago
Associate Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Economic Development (see  JEL )
JEL O11 - Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic Development Gianpaolo Mariutti
Roberto Ricciuti
Analysis of structural economic dynamics with multisectoral growth models and technological progress. Study of economic development with particular reference to african economies and to long-term historical development processes.
JEL O1 - Economic Development Silvana Malle
Historical and structural elements of the economics of development. Main indicators. Development theories. Synthetic analysis and description of different countries’ development paths. Questions for research.
Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity (see  JEL )
JEL 041 - One, Two, and Multisector Growth Models Tamara Fioroni
Two sectors growth model in order to assess the contribution of technological change, increasing life expectancy, fertility and human capital accumulation to the transition from Malthusian stagnation to modern growth.
JEL O47 - Measurement of Economic Growth; Aggregate Productivity; Cross-Country Output Convergence Gianpaolo Mariutti
The Wealth of Nations is still nowadays a topic of central interest for both economists and public opinion. Such interest has been focused on: the perils and traps in the quantitative measures of wealth, how the economies have become rich and evolved in the long run; how they have been subjected in the process of growing to structural changes in their industries, employment, goods, knowledge. The attempt is to single out from data some "regularities" that may be helpful in setting up theories of economic development history-"friendly".
International Factor Movements and International Business (see  JEL )
JEL F22 - International Migration Riccardo Fiorentini
Analysis of the impact of immigration flows on the interntional trade of the receving country with reference to the Italian Veneto Region; disaggregated statistical identification of the economic sectors most affected by immigration flows
JEL F23 - Multinational Firms; International Business Angelo Zago
We study the dynamics of the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular of those exporting high quality products. Their performance both in terms of presence and flow of exports in several markets, both traditional and emerging, is analyzed, together with their economic and industrial policy determinants. We analyze, theoretically and empirically, how the presence of multinational firms affects domestic firms’ performance.
International Finance (see  JEL )
JEL F31 - Foreign Exchange Riccardo Fiorentini
Analysis of the fundamental economic variables which can explain the behaviour of floating foreign exchange rates; analyisis of the role agents expectations, interest rates differentials and balance payment disequilibria have in the foreign exchange market; econometric analysisi of the validity of therecent theoretical model of foreign exchange rate
JEL F33 - International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions Riccardo Fiorentini
Analysis of the role the current asymmetric international monetary system, based on the US dollar, played in the genesis tne the global finalcial crisis and the persistent US trade deficit. Elaboration of reform proposals aimed at the creation of a more stable "symmetric" international monetary system based on a new supranational currency anche close coperation among the major central banks, reviving Keynes' Bancor proposal.
Macroeconomic Aspects (see  JEL )
JEL F41 - Open Economy Macroeconomics Alessia Campolmi
Use of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Open Economy Models to analyse countries interactions. For example, those models are used to study if and how the transmission of fiscal and monetary policy changes from closed to open economy. Or if and how demand and supply shocks transmit from one country to another. Those studies can be conductd under several scenarios: small vs big country (as compared to the rest of the world), monetary union, fixed vs flexible exchange rates.
JEL F45 - Macroeconomic Issues of Monetary Unions Riccardo Fiorentini
Compared analysis of the European Monetary Union (EMU) with reference to the institutional ferature which differenciate EMU from ather historical experices of monetay union.Analysis of the role an enhaced Europa Union budget and supranational fiscal policy coud have in the stabilization of the Europan economy; analysis of the impact European fiscal rules (Growth and Stablity Pact, Fiscal Compact) on the post crisis European economy
Trade (see  JEL )
JEL F11 - Neoclassical Models of Trade Roberto Ricciuti
Economic integration in the Euroarea, in particuar with reference to monetary and fiscal policies. Analysis of the prpposals to improve the European economic governance
JEL F12 - Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale Economies Alessia Campolmi
Angelo Zago
Analysis and theory of international trade in the presence of heterogeneous companies. Study of the impact of tariff policies on international trade, firm performance and consumer welfare, with related cost-benefit analysis and with particular attention to the design and revision of international exchange agreements and their economic effects.
JEL F13 - Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations Alessia Campolmi
Analysis of the incentives behind countries' unilateral choice of trade policies (e.g. import and export taxes) as well as the outcomes under retaliation. Given that the "trade wars" that follow the retaliations make all countries involved worst-off, those studies are then used to analyze how to design trade agreements to reach better outcomes for all countries involved. Analysis of the effects of trade reforms, on firms’ performance and their decision to trade.
Demand and Supply of Labor (see  JEL )
JEL J22 - Time Allocation and Labor Supply Eleonora Matteazzi
Federico Perali
Alessandro Sommacal
Study of theoretical and empirical models for the analysis of the determinants of job offer with particular attention to the time allocation of decisions both at individual and family level. Study of the relationships between economic variables and choices of how allocate free time, job offer, family work and time dedicated to childcare. Analysis and estimation of models of participation in the labor market, with particular attention to the variables that affect women's job offer.
JEL J24 - Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity Tamara Fioroni
Analysis of the impact of public and private investment in education on occupational choice and income inequality.
JEL J26 - Retirement; Retirement Policies Giam Pietro Cipriani
Tamara Fioroni
Analysis of the economic impact of retirement choices in theoretical models with life expectancy and endogenous fertility choices.
Demographic Economics (see  JEL )
JEL J11 - Demographic Trends and Forecasts Giam Pietro Cipriani
Nicola Sartor
Macroeconomic models with fertility choice, population ageing and the effects of demographic change on economic growth and pension systems. Analysis of the economic determinants of fertility decisions with particular reference to the combined effects of taxationa and public expenditure policies. Study of the impact of demographic structure on public budget levels and composition (public expenditure programs, tax composition and social security contributions).
JEL J12 - Marriage; Marital Dissolution; Family Structure; Domestic Abuse Alessandro Sommacal
Theoretical and empirical economic analysis of demographic phenomena with particular attention to the determinants of the family structure. Study of the temporal evolution of the family structure and relationship with the economic variables.
JEL J13 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth Tamara Fioroni
Eleonora Matteazzi
Martina Menon
Federico Perali
Theoretical and empirical economic analysis of demographic phenomena with particular attention to models for the study of fertility choices. Relationship between family work offer and fertility choices. Analysis of the impact of family choices on the conditions of children. Study of relationships between family decisions and cognitive and non-cognitive development of children. Economic analysis of the determinants of juvenile misleading behavior.
JEL J15 - Economics of Minorities and Races; Non-labor Discrimination Cristina Elisa Orso
Study of socio-economic implications of discrimination related to gender and ethnicity. Analysis of socio-economic inequalities. Investigation of determinants of discrimination in the field of public services.
JEL J16 - Economics of Gender; Non-labor Discrimination Eleonora Matteazzi
Gender economics investigates gender differences in economic outcomes, such as labour market participation and trajectories, occupational and income security, occupational segregation, and wage levels. It also explores gender roles within the household, precisely the allocation of time spent in paid and unpaid work. Finally, it investigates the role of gender norms, cultural values and institutions.
Mobility, Unemployment, Vacancies, and Immigrant Workers (see  JEL )
Job, Occupational, and Intergenerational Mobility Eleonora Matteazzi
Empirical analysis of the intergenerational transmission of employment conditions and its determinants, including the role of market institutions, social norms and family policies.
Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs (see  JEL )
JEL J31 - Wage Level and Structure; Wage Differentials Eleonora Matteazzi
Economic analysis of the determinants of wages and wage differentials, with a special focus on the role of human capital, industry and type of occupation, type of contract and working schedule, firm size and family structure. Measurement and decomposition analysis of the gender wage gap and female full-time/part-time pay gap and their link with the industrial and labor relations system.
General Aggregative Models (see  JEL )
JEL E12 - Keynes; Keynesian; Post-Keynesian Gianpaolo Mariutti
The Keynesian and Sraffian paradigm were born in the XX century to offer an opposite vision of the dominant theory. The arguments that have been examined are: the stability, equilibrium and dynamic consequences of the principle of effective demand. The input-output and multi-sectoral approach to study economic systems, with regards to quantities (Leontief) as well as prices (Sraffa). In this context, it is analyzed the debate between the "two Cambridge" on capital and the topic of structural economic dynamics.
Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook (see  JEL )
JEL E62 - Fiscal Policy Roberto Ricciuti
Alessandro Sommacal
Analysis of fiscal policies. Investigation of the impact of taxation and public spending on macroeconomic variables.
Macroeconomics: Consumption, Saving, Production, Employment, and Investment (see  JEL )
JEL E24 - Employment; Unemployment; Wages; Alessia Campolmi
Analysis of the main causes of fluctuations in labor market variables such as participation rates, unemployment and employment rates and wages. Investigation of the role of monetary and fiscal policies on labour market equilibrium. It also covers the convergence of aggregate labor productivity between countries or regions and labor productivity inequality.
Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit (see  JEL )
JEL E52 - Monetary Policy Alessia Campolmi
Study of the impact of monetary policy on aggregate variables like GDP, infaltion rate, consumption, unemployment. To do se we use Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Models. Research focuses both on implementable as well as optimal montary policy.
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
La struttura del Cyberconflict e le sue relazioni con il sistema mondo: un’analisi tramite i reticoli sociali Roberto Ricciuti, Alessandra Foresta Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 9/1/19 12
Struttura e dinamica dell’internazionalizzazione della provincia di Vicenza Angelo Zago, Chiara Piccardo Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 10/1/18 12
Troops, camels and trucks: the effects of historical and modern transport infrastructure Vania Licio Post-doc 9/15/18 36
Health at birth and parental investment decisions Ylenia Brilli Post-doc 4/16/18 36
Unexplored effects of marital property regimes Daniela Piazzalunga Post-doc 11/6/17 36
Promuovere l'istruzione STEM attraverso un approcio di economia comportamentale Maria Vittoria Levati, Dominique Cappelletti Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 11/1/17 24
The role of behavioral strategies in effectively promoting STEM education Maria Vittoria Levati Ricerca di Base di Ateneo 2015 10/1/17 24
Struttura e dinamica dell'internazionalizzazione della provincia di Vicenza Angelo Zago, Vania Licio Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 9/15/17 12
Evoluzione PSR 2014-2020 Federico Perali, Maikol Furlani Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 3/1/16 12
Self-confidence and prejudices: a field experiment Simona Cicognani Post-doc 1/15/16 36
Nonlinear effects of Monetary Policy Shocks in Conventional and Unconventional Times Valentina Colombo Post-doc 12/2/15 16
The relationship between female labour force participation and the supply of child care facilities in developing countries Maria Carmela Lo Bue Post-doc 10/15/15 24
Does it promote economy and well-being? The impact of teleworking on environment and labour market outcomes Federico Perali, Eleftherios Giovanis Commissione Europea (Marie Curie fellowship) 6/1/15 24
Assegno: Processi di diffusione di shock in reti multi-livello Andrea Roventini 5/1/14 12
Assegno FSE: Il recupero delle antiche maestrie venete dell'architettura sostenibile e la riconversione del patrimonio immobiliare produttivo inutilizzato Cristina Spiller Assegno FSE - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 3/11/14 12
Assegno FSE: Community Planning per lo sviluppo socioeconomico Federico Perali Assegno FSE - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 3/20/13 12