According to the Verona University Statute, ART. 29
Faculty Council
1. The Faculty Council is made up of full and assistant professors, researcher representatives and permanent assistants until there is an equal measure of one fifth of full and assistant professors, one graduate technician representative, five Faculty student representatives with less than two thousand enrolments on the Degree and University Diploma Courses, increased to seven when there are more than two thousand enrolments. Participation procedure in and resolutions of the Faculty Council are governed by the norms of university legislation.
2, The Faculty Council's duties are: a) the programming and coordination of all didactic activities and the allocation of didactic resources in accordance with the resolutions of the Academic Senate and the wishes of the Degree Course or study line Councils and the Diploma Course Councils and, as far as they may be concerned, the Departments;
b) requests for new professor and researcher posts and the establishing of a public application selection, or the transfer destination of professors or researchers, the appointing of professors, carried out on the basis of principle of the restricted council's category, which may not be inferior to that of the the person being replaced. Decisions are made after hearing the opinion of the Departments concerned;
c)the formulation of proposals based on didactic requirements, for activating integrated courses and, exceptionally, official courses to be given to researchers or highly qualified scientific or professional experts on a priviate law contract, which can be financed by the university budget funds and even by third party funds:
d) the provision and approval of Faculty development programmes as part of the University development programme;
e) carrying out all the other work required by the university legislation norms and this present Statute.
3. The Faculty Council organises and carries out its own duties by means of the consitution of permanent Commissions, the members of which are elected by the Council itself. The Commissions are formed in such a way as to reflect the make up and the large disciplinary sectors of the Faculty. The Commisssions elect their Chairman from among full professors. The Commissions are renewed with the election of a Chairman.
4. The Faculty regulations state: a) the summoning procedures and the work norms of the Faculty Council; b) the make up, the duties, the work and the work norms of the permanent Commissions. 5. The election modalities of the researcher representatives, the graduate technician representative and the student representatives are established by the general University Regulations. The law in art.95 DPR 382/80 regulates activities: Board of Directors 1. Until the first judicial ballot on the suitability of the assistant professors has been carried out, the representatives of the enlisted professors and their assistants continue to be a part of the University Board of Directors 2. At the end of the Board of Directors' term, this decrees' coming into force and not more than six months after its completion, the two representatives of the enlisted professors and the representatives of the ordinary assisitants will be replaced by an assistant professor representative, an enlisted professor representative and an ordinary assistant representative. 3. In the Universitites in which, due to the effect of the completion of the first judicial ballot, the categories of the enlisted professors and the ordinary assistants have become less than 10 per cent with respect to how things were at the beginning of this decree's enforcement, the category representatives below the 10 per cent will be replaced by other assistant professors. Within six months of the second judicial ballot on the suitability, the two representatives of the enlisted professors and the assistant professor representative will be fully replaced by three assistant professors. 4. The practice of the active electorate for the nomination of these latter professors lies with the enlisted assistants. 5. Within six months of calling for the first judicial ballot on the suitability of university researchers and, in any case, not later than two months after, the University Board of Directors will also have a researcher representative added to it . This representation is renewed and increased to two representatives six months after the calling of the second judicial ballot. 6. At the end of the Board of Directors' term, after this present decree is enforced, the elective representation of non-teaching staff will be increased by one or two.