Social development

Registration year 2006/2007

Curriculum Social development

This degree comes after the three-year degree Bachelor's degree in Political Economics (cat. 28).
The total number of Number of ECTS credits allocated is 300.

Training activities Curriculum
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
B Economic law ( commercial contracts) (IUS/05) 2006/2007
B Industrial Law (IUS/05) 2006/2007
B Economics of Well-being and Collective Choices (SECS-P/02) 2006/2007
B Labour Economics (SECS-P/01) 2006/2007
B Economics of uncertainty and information (SECS-P/01) 2006/2007
B Budgeting language I (SECS-P/07) 2006/2007
B Applied Methods of Economic Politics (SECS-P/02) 2006/2007
B Corporate Strategy and Business Policy (SECS-P/07) 2006/2007
C Applied Econometrics (SECS-P/05) 2006/2007
C Territory Organisation and Planning (M-GGR/02) 2006/2007
C Construction and Database Analysis (INF/01) 2006/2007
D Free students choice (LS) (-) 2009/2010
10  B Cost-benefit analysis (SECS-P/03) 2007/2008
B Specific activities of this program Family Economics (SECS-P/02) 2007/2008
B Specific activities of this program Education and Culture Economics (SECS-P/01) 2007/2008
B Specific activities of this program Health Economics (SECS-P/02) 2007/2008
B Applied Macroeconomics (SECS-P/01) 2007/2008
B Game theory applied to Economics (SECS-P/01) 2007/2008
C Specific activities of this program Nonprofit Sector Economics (SECS-P/06) 2007/2008
20  E Final test (LS) (-) 2010/2011

Type of training activity (TTA)
A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities
D Activities to be chosen by the student
E Final examination
F Other activitites
S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations
Specific activities of this program Specific activities of this program