Industrial Economics

This area of ​​research deals, both from a theoretical and empirical point of view, with problems related to the firm activities, to the analysis of the markets and the economic sectors under different market structures, The analysis focuses on situations involving different numbers of firms in the presence of strategic interactions, information asymmetry and market power and could highlight the need for different types of policy interventions, such as regulation, taxes and subsidies or the promotion of specific economic institutions. The non-exhaustive list of researched topics includes the following: research and development choices; determinants of patent applications; price formation and price transmission in the electricity markets; vertical relationships between production and distribution activities of firms; sectoral dynamics of profit rates; the role of experts in decision-making processes; regulation, auctions and economic analysis of public procurement; input-output tables and the analysis of industrial sectors.
Alessandro Bucciol
Full Professor
Gianpaolo Mariutti
Assistant Professor
Paolo Pertile
Full Professor
Angelo Zago
Associate Professor
Claudio Zoli
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Innovation ; Research and Development ; Technological Change ; Intellectual Property Rights (see  JEL classification)
JEL O31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives Gianpaolo Mariutti
Paolo Pertile
Analysis of the incentives for the innovative process and the investment decisions of companies; analysis of research and development choices and innovative dynamics (patents, clinical trials, new products), with particular reference to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors. Study of the theory of innovations, technological change and economic growth, especially in an international context.
Industry Studies: Manufacturing (see  JEL classification)
JEL L66 - Food; Beverages; Cosmetics; Tobacco; Wine and Spirits Angelo Zago
We study the industrial organization of the agro-food and agro-industrial sector, in particular that of the wine sector. The choices of vertical integration, the formation of horizontal agreements, the performance on international markets, and the relations with the wholesale and distribution sectors are analyzed.
Market Structure and Pricing (see  JEL classification)
JEL D44 - Auctions Alessandro Bucciol
Claudio Zoli
Covers both theoretical and empirical analysis of auction mechanisms and applications to tenders. Study of multidimensional quality-price auction mechanisms or economically advantageous offers and analysis of anomalous offers. Empirical analysis of public tenders and auctions, with particular reference to the study of the inefficiency of the different types of auction.
Production and Organizations (see  JEL classification)
JEL D21 - Firm Behavior: Theory Angelo Zago
We study different types of firms, in particular their behavior towards the main stakeholders, such as customers, shareholders, members, employees, investors, etc. We analyzes their behavior in product and factor markets, in various manufacturing and service sectors.
JEL D22 - Firm Behavior: Empirical Analysis Angelo Zago
We analyze the economic performances of different types of firms (private, public, cooperative, non-profit), therefore their profitability, their efficiency and productivity. Moreover, we look at the distribution of created value across different stakeholders, such as customers, shareholders, members, employees, investors, etc.
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
Struttura e dinamica dell’internazionalizzazione della provincia di Vicenza Angelo Zago, Chiara Piccardo Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 10/1/18 12
Percorsi di RSI. Dall'inserimento all'autonomia lavorativa Luca Zarri, Alessia Zoppelletto borsa di ricerca - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 10/9/17 12
Percorsi di RSI. Rigenerazione imprenditiva di beni comuni Luca Zarri, Marta Avesani borsa di ricerca - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 10/9/17 12
Struttura e dinamica dell'internazionalizzazione della provincia di Vicenza Angelo Zago, Vania Licio Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 9/15/17 12
Valutazione della performance e dei costi delle aziende ospedaliero-universitarie italiane: analisi dell'impatto dell'attività di didattica, formazione e ricerca Paolo Pertile, Daniele Crotti Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 9/1/17 12
Economia e geografia dell’innovazione Roberto Ricciuti, Adelaide Baronchelli Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 5/1/17 24
Analisi empirica della relazione tra regolamentazione dei mercati sanitari e decisioni di investimento in ricerca e sviluppo Paolo Pertile, Simona Gamba Assegno finalizzato - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 3/1/17 24
Efficient and Equitable Regulation for Health Care Innovation: Theory and Evidence Paolo Pertile Ricerca di Base di Ateneo 2015 1/1/17 24
Assegno: Processi di diffusione di shock in reti multi-livello Andrea Roventini 5/1/14 12