Luca Salvatici (Università degli Studi Roma Tre)on "Food security and farmers' participation to value supply chain: the case of Ugandan maize"

Speaker:  Luca Salvatici - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 12:30 PM Aula Seminari, Vicolo Campofiore 2
In many African countries, the crop commercialization is produced along a supply chain where farmers interact with intermediaries and traders. Using detailed panel data from Uganda 2009-12 (LSMS-ISA), this article examines whether farmer’s participation (inside or outside) and position (downstream and upstream) to maize value supply chain (VC) affect their food security. The paper finds some evidence that farmers’ food consumption, both in terms of level and variability, is affected by selling maize inside the VC. The results are suggestive that the gain from participation is driven by selling maize upstream in the VC.

Programme Director
Angelo Zago

External reference
Publication date
August 31, 2015

