Stefania Lovo (Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science) on "Understanding Permanent Migration Response to Natural Disasters and Climate Shocks: Evidence from Indonesia"

Speaker:  Stefania Lovo - Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science
  Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 12:30 PM Polo Santa Marta, Via Cantarane 24, Stanza 1.59
Abstract. Migration is one of the key impacts of natural disasters and climate shocks upon societies.  This paper investigates how climate shocks and natural disasters shape migration choices in developing countries. We consider the role of low ethnic inclusion (push factor) and skill transferability at destination (pull factor) in facilitating permanent migration. We investigate whether these mechanisms are reinforced or weakened in the presence of a natural disaster. We show that in the case of slow-onset shocks such as a drought, migration closely resembles the type of investment migration aimed at improving future economic circumstances but the retaining role of local networks is reinforced. In the case of rapid-onset shocks such as an earthquake, migrants choose destinations that are less suitable. Policy effort should, therefore, be devoted to re-training programmes at destination and to support the development of transferable skills.

Programme Director
Marcella Veronesi

External reference
Publication date
October 7, 2015

