Michele Giuranno on Voting populace and centralised public spending

Relatore:  Michele Giuranno - Università del Salento, Lecce
  lunedì 6 febbraio 2012 alle ore 12.30 Aula E, Palazzo di Economia

This paper considers a two-region economy and develops a model of centralized public spending when the regional pivotal voters change as a result of exogenous changes in the voting populace. Decisions over public spending are made by bargaining by the regional representatives in the centralized legislature. We study how changes in the composition of the electorate due, for example, to voters' relocation, migration or aging either deteriorates or mitigates inter-jurisdictional redistributive conflicts and how this influences the size of government.

Titolo Formato  (Lingua, Dimensione, Data pubblicazione)
Paper  pdfpdf (it, 188 KB, 01/02/12)

Roberto Ricciuti

Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
1 febbraio 2012
