Simone Moriconi On the (in)efficiency of production taxes and firms’ organizational choice

Speaker:  Simone Moriconi - ITEMQ, Universita` Cattolica di Milano and CREA, Universite ́ du Luxembourg
  Monday, November 28, 2011 at 12:30 PM Aula E, Palazzo di Economia

The present paper analyzes the impact of production taxes on economic efficiency when firms’ production is fragmented, contracts are incomplete and managers can choose either an integrated or an outsourced structure for their firm. Results indicate that a tax on production creates inefficiencies under outsourcing as it prevents managers to enhance coordination between their units. Integration instead implements full coordination which protects the firm against such ‘tax induced’ inefficiencies. Thus, any production tax that induces an organizational switch from integration to outsourcing reduces economic surplus. However a production tax that induces a switch from outsourcing to integration increases economic surplus provided that demand or integration cost are not too high.

Title Format  (Language, Size, Publication date)
Paper  pdfpdf (it, 3006 KB, 31/10/11)

Programme Director
Angelo Zago

External reference
Publication date
October 31, 2011

