Tre vincitrici del YITP research prize hanno scelto il dipartimento di Scienze economiche per svolgere un periodo di ricerca

Tre vincitrici del YITP research prize hanno scelto il dipartimento di Scienze economiche per svolgere un periodo di ricerca
Tre giovani ricercatrici, provenienti da istituzioni estere, vincitrici del prestigioso YITP research prize, hanno scelto il dipartimento di Scienze economiche dell’ateneo per svolgere un periodo di ricerca.

“Siamo onorati che giovani ricercatrici, con esperienza internazionale, abbiano ritenuto il nostro dipartimento un’eccellenza, al punto da voler effettuare a Verona la loro ricerca”, spiega Diego Lubian, direttore del dipartimento, “siamo certi che questo permetterà anche un rafforzamento delle collaborazioni internazionali”.

L’YITP research prize è un prestigioso riconoscimento, riservato a giovani sotto i 40 anni, che offre una borsa di 3.000 euro per chi proviene da Paesi europei, 4.000 per Paesi extraeuropei, per effettuare un periodo di ricerca, non inferiore a un mese, in un ateneo a scelta, tra le istituzioni italiane aderenti al network. Géraldine Bouveret ricercatrice del Smith School and Wadham College, University of Oxford, Marica Valente PhD student al Department of Econometrics alla Humboldt University di Berlin e all’Environmental Economics Department of DIW Berlin e Hyeri Yu, Visiting Fellow al Research Center for Finance del  Ritsumeikan University, Japan hanno scelto di svolgere il periodo di ricerca previsto, da metà febbraio a metà marzo, nel dipartimento di Scienze economiche.

Within the 2017 Young Investigator Training Program, ACRI financed several research prizes that will be awarded to young researchers.
The prizes of EUR 3000 (Europe)/4000 (outside Europe) are meant to finance a visiting period of no less than one month. Prizes are allocated on a competitive basis. Candidates, in order to be eligible, are required to be below 40 years old, to be affiliated with a foreign academic or scientific institution and being resident abroad, to be able to visit for a period of no less than a month one of the Italian institutions belonging to the YITP network.
The visiting should occur about the conference period, starting not earlier than January 15th 2018 and ending no later than March 5th 2018. 
Three winners of the YITP research prize will visit the Department from about mid-February to mid-March.

Dr Géraldine Bouveret is a Research Associate at the Smith School and Wadham College, University of Oxford. She undertakes her own research across the economics of climate change and mathematical finance.
Prior to joining the University of Oxford, Géraldine submitted her PhD in Mathematics at Imperial College London. The thesis makes a theoretical contribution to the mathematical treatment of problems arising in hedging and portfolio optimization under weak stochastic target constraints.
She also holds a Master Degree in Financial Engineering from ESSEC Business School and a Master Degree in Mathematics from Université Paris Dauphine and ENSAE ParisTech.
Alongside her academic credentials Géraldine has also built a sound professional experience of several years, cumulated in both the investment banking and insurance sectors, during which she has successfully conducted various research projects in Financial Economics and Risk Modelling.

Ms. Marica Valente is a PhD student at the Department of Econometrics at the Humboldt University of Berlin and at the Environmental Economics Department of DIW Berlin. Marica holds a masters from TSE and is working on policy evaluation methods and applications in the fields of environmental economics, especially waste and agriculture, environmental-health economics, and conflict economics.
Method-wise she is particularly interested in the properties of the synthetic control method, and machine learning techniques. Lately, Marica is also applying spatial econometrics methods to estimate conflict spillover effects.

Ms. Hyeri Yu is Visiting Fellow at the Research Center for Finance at the  Ritsumeikan University, Japan. Ms.Yu graduated from the Department of Economics, Ritsumeikan University in 2012, and continued studying mathematical finance under the supervision of Prof. Jiro Akahori at Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences of Ritsumeikan University.  Ms. Yu's MSc dissertation "Continuous-time stochastic economic growth models and their applications" was completed in 2014. Ms. Yu has been collaborating with Prof. Akahori on various projects. Currently, her research focuses on the interplay between macro economics and mathematical finance, and also its applications to environmental issues.
Programme Director
Diego Lubian

