Degree in Business studies (until 2008-2009)

Course modules

Course not running

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Primo semestre from 10/1/07 to 12/21/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Business administration [Cognomi A-K] not yet allocated
A Business administration [Cognomi L-Z] not yet allocated
A Macroeconomics [Cognomi A-K] not yet allocated
A Macroeconomics [Cognomi L-Z] not yet allocated
C Economic history [Cognomi A-K] not yet allocated
C Economic history [Cognomi L-Z] not yet allocated
B Microeconomics Giam Pietro Cipriani (Coordinator)
C Theory of Financial Statement Antonio Tessitore (Coordinator)
C Seminars/Workshops [Cognomi A-K] Lapo Mola
C Seminars/Workshops [Cognomi L-Z] Lapo Mola
B Statistics Darionino Olivieri (Coordinator)
B Financial mathematics Andrea Gamba (Coordinator)
C Management control Bettina Campedelli (Coordinator)
B Spazio Moodle non più disponibile Economic Policy Federico Perali (Coordinator)

Secondo semestre from 2/18/08 to 5/24/08
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B The Institutions of Public Law and Economy Law [Cognomi A-K] not yet allocated
B The Institutions of Public Law and Economy Law [Cognomi L-Z] Elisabetta Lamarque
E English (with linguistic laboratory) Gilberto Storari
A Mathematics [Cognomi A-K] not yet allocated
A Mathematics [Cognomi L-Z] not yet allocated
C Consolidated Financial Statement Alessandro Lai (Coordinator)
A Private Law Alessandro Natucci
B Business law Anna Genovese (Coordinator)
C Brokerage Economics I Flavio Pichler (Coordinator)
B Public finance Claudio Zoli (Coordinator)

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Basic Information Technology Skills Nicola Fausto Spoto

Further didactic activities
