Dottorati di ricerca - 33° ciclo

PhD in Economics and Management

Duration : 4 years
CFU : 240
Administrative headquarters : Verona
Delivery languages :
Macro Area : Law and Economics
Type of Access : Comparative evaluation of application credentials and interview

How to apply

The call for applications of 33° ciclo will be published after 22nd April.

The submission of candidatures will be possible after the publication of the call.

Study plan

Discover all the learning activities available to you during your time at the University in the academic year 2020/2021.

Credits 2.5
Academic writing in latex and academic presentation
Credits 2.5
Advanced English for Academic Skills
Credits 1.0
Agenda dell’organizzazione delle nazioni unite 2030 sullo sviluppo sostenibile, ricerca e diritto antidiscriminatorio: strumenti ed esperienze nelle università
Credits 1.0
Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity e diritto
Credits 5.0
Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Credits 0.5
Comunicare la scienza: il ruolo dei ricercatori e il rapporto tra esperti, cittadini e istituzioni