Community Engagement

Community Engagement

The university’s third mission – social involvement and services for the community

The Department of Economics encourages the direct application of research to contribute to economic, social and cultural development, which includes the sharing of knowledge with society at large.
 Examples of its recent third mission initiatives include:
  • Conference series for final year secondary school students on topical economic issues
  • Public conferences organised in collaboration with the Literary Society and the Academy of Agriculture, Science and Letters of Verona
  • Seminars and guided visits of the new Santa Marta complex and its role in the history of the city.
The Department is also home to the spin-off company, Economics Living Lab. Living Lab is an innovative spin-off that aims to support and advise public administrations and companies for the implemention of development programmes and the economic analysis of projects.
Eventi di public engagement


Con l’espressione public engagement si identifica l'insieme delle attività senza scopo di lucro, con valore educativo, culturale e di sviluppo della società svolte a beneficio di pubblici diversi rispetto agli studenti, alle comunità scientifiche o alle imprese.


Ricerca testuale

Search by key words.

  • The search will find the first 100 items relevant to the key word(s).
  • The search results will show people, publications, research projects and skills within the Department.

  • ESEMPIO 1: spatial data  cerca:
    '...spatial ...<qualsiasi cosa in mezzo>... data...'
  • ESEMPIO 2: spatial, data cerca:
    '...spatial...' OR ''
  • ESEMPIO 3: spatial data, molecular cerca:
    ('...spatial ...<qualsiasi cosa in mezzo>... data...') OR 'molecular'

*Si possono inserire fino a 2 virgole; parole seguenti una terza o successive virgole verranno ignorate per evitare un appesantimento del carico del server.
È comunque sempre possibile effettuare piú interrogazioni successive.

Informazioni per il territorio
