Laura Cavalli
- Università del S. Cuore di Milano
martedì 19 novembre 2019
alle ore
Polo Santa Marta, Via Cantarane 24, Sala Vaona
Localizing the Agenda 2030 is a complex issue, especially when we attempt to link numbers to the intrinsic value of the Agenda 2030. It requires a deep understanding of the (multidimensional) problem of sustainable development and practical tools able to help the policymakers facing this challenge.
The paper focuses on the urban dimension of the phenomenon, proposing a way of measuring the Agenda 2030 at municipality level in Italy, merging social and environmental elementary indicators into 16 composite indices and one composite dimension representing 16 out of 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015.
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- Data pubblicazione
17 settembre 2019